Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jupiter, Aug 28th @f/20

This time I gave it a try with other camera settings.
Here's what I did different:
a) decreased the exposure time to 1/30sec for each channel;
b) limited the recording time to 45 sec per channel;
c) kept the gain at 438 (R&G) and boosted it up to 591 for the Blue channel - IC Capture.

It took me just under 2´30" to get a full RGB data set, compared to the more than 3 minutes previous settings: limited the capture to 2000 frames, which would end up at a 1´06" per channel, with a total time of around 3´30", including manual filter changing and gain/exposure time adjusting for Blue.
It seems it pays off...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jupiter, 25 Aug @f/30

Testing continues, this time at f/30 (FL 8400mm).
Image details seen on "full resolution".

Jupiter, Aug 25, ICX618 fisrt light

First ligth with new CCD chip (ICX618ALA) installed on my DMK21AF.
Seeing was good though there was still some turbulence. This is my best planetary image ever and I am pretty excited about this new CCD.
C11, Powermate 2x, RGB Astronimik IIc, modded DMK21AF (icx618).
Registax & CS4.