Friday, August 31, 2012

Sun 20120831 @16:52UT LS60THaCPT

This imaging session ended at 17h52 local time with this capture.
Imaged with IC Capture, with Pedro Ré's settings.
Still following Ken Crawford's processing tips and actions.
100 best pictures of 900, stacked & aligned in Autostakkert 2 and processed in CS5.
LS60THaCPT/B1200 + DMK41.

Sun 20120831 @15:35UT LS60THaCPT

Still working on Sun imaging settings and processing.
This time Sun was capture with IC Capture (Pedro Re's settings).
Aug 31st, 2012 at 15h35 UT.
LS60THaCPT/B1200 + DMK41.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

LS60 2nd Light

Second light with different settings to allow prominences and disk viewing.
Captured in Lucam Recorder, aligned and stacked in Autostakkert 2 and processed in CS5.
Processed according to Ken Crawford.

Monday, August 27, 2012

LS60THaCPT/1200 first Light

This is the first light with the new Lunt LS60 and the new (used) DMK41AU, on Aug 24th at around 11:00 UT.
Captured in Lucam Recorder with these settings @15fps:
exposure time: 7.90 ms
gain: 2.87
gamma: 1.7

Aligned & stacked in Autostakkert 2 and processed in CS5 (mosaic of 2 images).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Just got my new LS60HaPTC last Monday, Aug 20.
Boy what a piece of engineering...
Excellent finish and design!

I had my first light yesterday, around 16:00 UT and was I amazed. Tuning the scope proved a bit difficult at first but eventually I got it. What a beautiful sight... the prominences were right on the disc's edge, clearly visible; the filaments too.
The seeing was good enough and I pushed it up to 62x (2x barlow and a 24mm Panoptic EP).

In one word: Awesome!

Time to experiment with the DMK41AU02.AS now...