Wednesday, May 25, 2011

M13 - 20110525

M13 is one of the most beautiful globular clusters in the night sky, comprising some 300,000 stars. Lying in Hercules, at 25,000 ly from Earth, it was first spotted by Edmund Halley (1714) and latter cataloged in 1764 by Charles Messier.
Under dark skies it can be seen with no telescopic aid, since it shines at a 5.8 apparent magnitude.

FS102NSV @f/8 + ST2000 XM

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alphonsus & Arzachel Craters

Apollo XV Landing site - Hadley Rille

mouse over to see landing site

David Scott and James Irwin landed their Lunar Module Falcon at Hadley Rille, on July 30th, 1971. This was the first lunar mission that carried a lunar rover in which they traveled for some 17.5 miles (some 28,2 Km).
Some processing artifacts are visible on the lower right corner :-(

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Saturn - 20110508

full resolution

The C14 dovetail has finally arrived, after a long period of "who knows where it was shipped to". I was so anxious to get Saturn that I didn't allow the scope to cool down properly, nor did I precise collimate.
Binned L (1x1) RGB (2x2) on Firecapture.
Aligned and Staked with Autostakkert.
Wavelets on Registax 6.
Final tweaks on CS4.
Close to Fair Seeing conditions (see Damien Peach: