Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jupiter, GRS & Io - 201110292344UT

Jupiter on the evening of Oct. 29th.
Seeing was very good but temperature was dropping steadily which prevented mirror cooling to match seeing.
I also had to struggle against corrector condensation and at some time through the evening, I had to work around it with my wife's hairdryer...
By the time I had it done, seeing got worse. Damn it!
C11 @f/20
RGB Astronomik IIc
500fr per channel RGB
Autostakkert, Fitswork and CS4

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Jupiter, GRS & Ganimedes 201110202215UT

Seeing has degraded over the past few days which makes it clearly more difficult to get sharp images. This one had to be overprocessed...
C11 f/20
RGB Astronomik IIc
500 fr per channel

Clouds are rolling in and unfortunately, it looks like winter has finally arrived. Hopefully will get some cristal crispy clear nights and good seeing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jupiter, GRS & Europa 20111010 at23h49mUT

On the same evening seeing can trick you for sure... after just 5 minutes, seeing was much better than on the previous RGB sequence run (20111010-23h45mUT).

Captured with Lucam Recorder.
Autostakkert, Fitswork, CS4.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jupiter 20111010 23h45mUT

C11 @f/20
RGB Astronomik IIc

Jupiter, GRS and Europa
Fair seeing...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jupiter, GRS & Calisto 20111006 at 00h30mUT

I just cannot believe how good the seeing has been the past days.
As such, I have been taking advantage of it, though some high clouds are rolling in at night, along with some haze. But hey, I am not complaining at all.

C11 @f/20
DMK21AF, RGB Astronomik IIc
500 frames per channel, in Fitswork and CS4

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jupiter 20111005 at 00h42mUT

Another Jupiter.
C11 @f/20
Seeing was much better than usual... :-)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jupiter 20111003

C11 @f/20
RGB 500 frames
20111003 @23h58m
Europa is visible just below and left of GRS.

Jupiter 20111003

I decided it was time to give my C11 a go and I did take the borrowed C14 away. I set the C11 up and shot Jupiter for a while.
Seeing was much better than the previous sessions but nevertheless my C11 outperforms the C14...
20111003 at 23h51m UT @f/20
IC Capture 1/23"
RGB - 500 frames per channel
Autostakkert and CS4. Processed on the fly, right after capture, meaning it can be improved, I guess.
My best so far.